Telecash tariffs

Telecel Zimbabwe is currently the second largest mobile phone network in Zimbabwe, with more than 50active subscribers. Prepaid Tariffs, Prepaid Tariffs, Postpaid Tariffs, Postpaid Tariffs. To access the Potraz Approved Tariffs in pfd format click here.

Telecash, Telecel’s mobile money service, has announced a reduction in tariffs on its platform. This is in line with recent efforts by authorities to . Telecash, Telecel’s mobile money service, has announced a reduction in tariffs on its mobile financial platform to encourage the use of . Telecash is an electronic wallet (e-wallet) service offered by Telecel. It allows subscribers to conduct a host of money transactions using their mobile phones and . So, Telecel has been pushing the message that their mobile money is cheaper.

Business Reporter Telecash, Telecel’s mobile money service, has announced a reduction in tariffs on its platform. This is in line with recent efforts by authorities . Bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr für POS + eCommerce – Über 130. Kunden profitieren bereits von unseren branchenspezifischen Lösungen.