Dcuo gods of old briefing locations

How to take last briefing of Gods of Old. Please feel free to post locations and piece information and I’ll update the first post. Gods of Old: Kalibak’s Report 1; Gods of Old: Kalibak’s Report 2; Gods of Old:.

Hi, does anyone know about the Gods of Old breifing # and #? DCUO-Forums: Treasure Chest Location Guide. These are of the briefings in the hallways of the operation for that DLC. DC Universe Online Icon indicating the project type.

Uploaded image for project: ‘DC Universe Online’. Location: Fortress of Solitude 2: Power Core. Upon completion of this briefing collection players receive a message from Oracle or Calculator.

You can help DC Universe Online by expanding it with additional information or adding additional maps,. Mister Miracle’s History of Urgrund is a Global Briefing that can be found while doing the. Eons ago, Urgrund was home to the Old Gods.