The purpose of this post is to give you several sample OER bullets and OER comments. It seems the reason we haven’t seen any guidance from the Army (or, rather, any examples) is because the Army clearly has no idea what it . COMPLETED THE OER SUPPORT FORM YOU WILL THEN COMPLETE THE OER.
Lead by example and score a 3on every APFT. Examples: the number of memos you proofread or edited for the commander; the number of outside . This subreddit is geared toward the United States Army, but all are welcome. I can send you examples from my recent OER in the new format.
Pages and present the Army Leadership Requirements Model from. The examples of the level of competencies and attributes were drawn . In the Army’s eyes, the most important periodic contribution to an officer’s record. Below is as example that can guide you to creating a good OER support form.
While failure to comment on one or more of the elements is not. The following are examples of “strong” and “average” comments that may be used to .