Optimizely security

Die gesamte Kommunikation mit optimizely. Transport Layer Security (TLS) verschlüsselt. Sie wird zudem regelmäßig aktualisiert, sodass .

Step Verification increases the security of your Optimizely account by adding a second level of authentication at sign-in. Optimizely Behind the Scenes: WEB SECURITY ARCHITECTURE 101. Run High-Performing Experiments While Keeping Your Site and Data Safe . Hello All, Optimizely is excited to announce two new features that greatly increase the security of your account and give you more control over.

Update: The code does not contain archived tests, an Optimizely representative stated. To clarify, this is not a security vulnerability. At Optimizely, security is a key priority. Therefore we invite skilled researchers to participate in our bug bounty program. Looking at common Optimizely painpoints and comparing it to VWO.

In February 201 we announced our security bug bounty program to reward anyone who finds a security vulnerability in our products. SEC – Security Education Central, a resource to educate yourself about various security topics.