Glenda meaning

You are introspective, prophetic, philosophical, and soul searching, but also can be analytical, critical and opinionated. A very amazing, genuine and beautiful person and friend; Very creative person; a teacher. In Welsh the meaning of the name Glenda is: Derived from a compound of words meaning holy and good.

Notable people with the name include: Glenda Adams (born 1939), Australian author; Glenda Collins (born 1943), English . Complete 20information on the meaning of Glenda, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby girl name. Meaning of the name Glenda, analysis of the name Glenda and so much more… What does Glenda mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and . See the meaning of the name Glenda, additional information, categories, pronunciation, popularity, similar and other popular and unique baby names.

Your name of Glenda creates a quick, clever mind capable of grasping and assimilating new ideas. Name Glenda : Meaning, origin, etymology and all informations about first name Glenda – A name created in the 20th century from the Welsh elements glân pure .

Glenda – Discover the popularity, meaning, origins and much more about the Welsh girl’s name Glenda. The baby girl name Glenda is pronounced as GLEHNDaa †. Glenda has its origins in the Welsh and Celtic languages. Learn about the name Glenda: meaning, origin, popularity, and more! Explore thousands of baby names at Babble.

Find the meaning, origin and background of the baby girl name Glenda, as well as derivatives of the name, and names similar to Glenda at Huggies. What does the name Glenda mean, the name Glenda means, the name Glenda stands for. Meaning in Hindi, what is meaning of glenda jackson in Hindi dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of glenda jackson in . A numerology guide to the Meaning of Glenda.

Look here for the Origins and Meaning of Glenda and a numerolgy guide. The meaning of Glenda is Pure, clean and Good. This name is mostly being used as a girls name.